On a sunny day in June, a friend and I went for a short walk around Pagham Harbour Nature Reserve, mostly to photograph some wildlife around the area but also to give her new lens it's first walk in the country. (a Canon 100-400 L which is VERY nice http://www.the-digital-picture.com/Reviews/Canon-EF-100-400mm-f-4.5-5.6-L-IS-USM-Lens-Review.aspx)
It was also a chance for me to have a go at using my relatively new Sigma 10-20 EX (http://www.dpreview.com/lensreviews/sigma_10-20_4-5p6_n15/), I've been very keen to properly get to grips with this lens for a while since buying it and this felt like a great chance to have a good play.
The weather was amazing, but I found it difficult to take landscape photos that I was genuinely happy with. I think the cloudless sky took some of the drama out of the photos so I kept swapping lens over and using the Tamron 70-300 Di (http://www.photozone.de/pentax/281-tamron-af-70-300mm-f4-56-ld-di-macro-pentax-k-review--lab-test-report) which clearly isn't a patch on the Canon glass but copes well enough on such a bright day.

The advantage of such bright sun can be seen above, the swan's paddling around in some fairly murky estuary water which manages to look inviting here. The sea was a fantastic colour and remarkably clear, especially when we wandered further round the coast and away from the muddy bits. The tide was coming as well which must help.

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