One from the archives here and these photos were taken on a walk around Chichester, it was a bit of a dull day but definitely felt a bit more like spring so I thought I'd have a go at getting some pictures of spring on it's way.

Always keen to try out the macro settings on the Sigma 24-70 EX DG it seemed like a good chance to get up close and personal with the moss and try and get some of the different colours and textures it has. There's a little bit of post-processing in lightroom going on there, I've boosted the vibrance because it was a bit of a grey day and turned up the yellow and green a teeny bit to give it a little bit more colour.

This one represents a bit of a crazy moment seeing how far I can go making a black and white image, it's a bit too saturated and the contrast slider's pretty much gone to 11 but it started out as a so-so picture of a leaf so at least it's got a bit more interest now.

This picture was more about the out of focus areas than the railings themselves, I wanted the spring colours to pop out a bit from the blurred areas. As above, I've boosted the yellows and greens and upped the vibrance a little to enhance the colours. Next time, I could find a bit more interest on another railing, maybe a sign, or bit of different coloured moss to give the picture a bit more drama.

These flowers were just starting to peek through, a little bit of tweaking in lightroom has made the flower heads glow a little, I could have added a bit of diffuse glow but that sometimes looks a little bit Disney for me.